Orienteering Map Herdade de Palma-Vela

19/11/2013: Due to changes with Google Maps currently no outline is shown for maps! Please let me know on jan@kocbach.net if this is an important functionality for you.

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Map nameHerdade de Palma-Vela
Contours (meters)5
Area (sqkm.)9,6 km2
Nearest place or cityAlcácer do Sal
Region5- Setúbal and Lisboa
Accessability (free access or need permission?)Need permission
Map typeRegular map
Map makers (fieldwork, drawing, etc.)José Carlos Pires, Candido Oliveira, José Almeida, Alcobia Ribeiro, Domingos Fernandes and Armando Rodrigues
SourcePortuguese map register
(Source ID: POR1995-5)
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